

Note you need some luck and strategization. Especially since I don’t have Dolores, Lolo, Yohan.
– Speculation Modified formation is more helpful than Back Concentration formation, mainly because Imakoo needs to always attack BEFORE Psycho Ogre cleanses your buffs, with the exception of turn 6.
– Siugnas needs to hit the middle minion at least 3 times in turn 1 to guarantee it gets killed. This is needed for Imakoo to target Psycho Ogre on turn 2, and for Siugnas to use S3 on Psycho Ogre on turn 2.
– All minions must die by end of turn 2. This is needed Diva to have 10 BP on turn 6, which is the difference between life and death.
– You will want Tsunanori to go before Imakoo and after Diva whenever possible.
– Since there’s no Dolores, you have to ration Tsunanori’s S3. I had to use his S1 on turn 4. You also have to time Tsunanori to go after Diva on turn 5.
– Make sure you time the ODs so everyone can OD on turn 7.

Apologies for all the Facebook messenger sounds in the background.~


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